In response to the call of the Prime Minister and the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, Indovina Bank recently donated VND 600 million to the Covid-19 Disease Prevention Fund of Hanoi city and Ho Chi Minh City.

With this meaningful activity, Indovina Bank hopes to accompany with our two largest cities in combating the global epidemic of Covid-19. Representatives of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi city received this support and thanked to Indovina Bank for positive contributions, support the cities in preventing this epidemic.

Recently, Indovina Bank has also been actively complying with Covid-19 prevention solutions, such as: 100% of IVB employees wear face masks when serving customers, keeping distance of at least 2m with surrounding person according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health, checking temperature, equipped with antiseptic hand sanitizer at the counter to ensure the health and safety for all customers and staffs.

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