Are you meeting difficulties in choosing the suitable financial package for buying your future house which is suitable for your income and your ability-to-repay?

With IVB Real Estate Secured Loan, you will have more flexible choices in interest repayment and long term loan, which help to ease the financial burdent and make your dream easier than ever. 




Simple documents

- Purchasing the real estate
- Construction/ renovation house

- Purchasing home applications/ interior equipments

- Target customer: Vietnamese and foreign individual customers.
- Currency Unit: VND

- Collateral: real estate, deposits or assets formed in the future belong to the projects approved by IVB.

- Supporting LTV up to 80% your financial need.
- Lending period up to 25 years.
- Preferential lending rate.
- Simple documents, quick procedure.
- Flexible interest repayment method.

- Personal paper: ID, Resident registration book.
- Paper concerned income: Labor contract, salary statement…
- Other paper (As IVB regulation)


More details, please contact Call Center 1900 588 879 or IVB Branch/ Transaction Offices.

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