Announcement on the suspension of REWARD POINT PROMOTION

Dear all Customers,

Indovina Bank (IVB) would like to thank for your using IVB’s services during the past time. In order to enhance the quality of customer service as well as to prepare for further service in time to come, IVB is pleased to announce the suspension of “Reward point Promotion”.

Accordingly, the gift redemption from accumulated reward points of customers will be continued until 28 December 2020. From 29 December 2020, the reward points redemption program will be suspended. IVB will notify customers when there are new promotions in the future.

IVB hopes to continue receiving the attention and support from customers in favor of the promotions related IVB’s card products.

Should you need any further information clarification, please do not hesitate to contact IVB Customer Service 24/7 (Hotline: +84. 1900 588 879)         

Sincerely yours,

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