Asset Auction Service Centre (belongs to Service of Justice Hai Phong City) wish to inform of the Asset Auction with details as:


  1. Asset for auction, origin, specification of the asset:
  • Asset for auction: LUR of land plot No 2 map No 00 with area of 1.118,25 m2; located at address: Plot No 6 Lot 22A, New City at Junction 5 Cát Bi Airport, Dong Khe Ward, Ngô Quyền District, Hải Phòng City. Land Use Right Certificate No. AI 210224, No of registering into LUR certificate book T00505 dated 28/01/2008 issued by Service of Resource & Environment to Inlaco Company and transfer to Indovina Bank Ltd dated 06/6/2016.
  • Origin and legal status of the asset: Asset belongs to Indovina Bank Ltd. Specification, details of the asset is modified in the Appraisal Certificate No N2306-0993/Cenvalue-CTTD dated 30/06/2023 of Century Value Co., Ltd HCMC branch.

2. Starting price, initial deposit, document fee:

2.1 Starting price: VND133,379,268,750.

This price is not included of VAT. Buyers must pay for all kind of tax, fee relating the transfer of ownership.

2.2 Deposit amount: VND 26 billion.

2.3 Step price: VND50 million

Step price is the minimum difference between the later pay price compared to the nearest previous payment price (applicable in case participants pay the highest price equally and have the demand to continue to pay the price)

2.4. Fee of document: VND500,000

  1. Time, reference venue, document selling, registration of auction, deposit transfer, organization for asset auction:

Organization, Unit who register to partipate in the auction must have enough the conditions as stipulated by laws, and can submit documents to register at Asset Auction Service Centre at Hai Phong City.

- Time for reference, sell, receive documents for registration of auction: From  17/10/2023 to 31/10/2023 (in working hours).

- Time, place to visit the asset: On 25/10/2023 and 26/10/2023 at the address of the asset (in working hours).

- Time for deposit: From 31/10/2023 to 02/11/2023 (in working hours).

-Time for receive, submit of pay slip: from the time of submit full documents, fund deposit until 02/11/2023 (in working hours.)

-Time for auction opening: from 14h30 dated 03/11/2023.

-Place for reference, buying of documents, submit of documents and register for auction, pay slip and auction organization:: At Auction Service Centre, Hai Phong City. Address: No 112 Lê Duẩn st, Quán Trữ Ward, Kiến An District, Hải Phòng City; Tel:: 02253.678680.

4. Object of participation in the auction, conditions to participate in the aunction

4.1 Object of the auction:

-Organization, individual with demand, and financial capable.

-Object who can not participate in the aunction as per regulation of Auction Laws

4.2 Conditions to partipate in the auction.

Participants must have the followings conditions:

+Have the application form.

+Have the I/D card

+Have Business Licence (in case of Enterprise, Organization)

+Undertake to fulfil all the Regulations of Auction Procedures as stated above; Undertake to fulfil the obligation with the government as per laws after buying the asset.

+Deposit the initial fund as the stipulated time.

-The participant can authorize for other person to join the auction when having the legal authorization letter in writing.

5. Mode of auction, type of auction:

Mode of auction: Indirect vote

Type of auction: upward price payment

All any other enquiry, please contact: Hai Phong city Auction service Centre: 112, Lê Duẩn st., Kien An, Ngo Quyen, Hai phong Tel: 02253.678680.

Detailed annoucement: HERE

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