Pursuant to:
- Dispatch No. 1117/NHNN-CSTT from the SBV about “Reporting on interest rate disclosure status”;
- Dispatch No.1268/NHNN-CSTT from the SBV on “Lending rate disclosure”;
- Dispatch No.3053 /NHNN-VP from the SBV about “Executing the Prime Minister’s announcement on credit growth management solution in 2024;
- Internal memo from TRD and BMD to the BOEs (for approval) dated 20/03/2024 about Complying with the SBV’s directive about disclosing average lending/deposit rate.
The disclosed information on average lending rate, average deposit and lending rate difference and other interest rates, which will be effective on 23/04/2024, is as followed:
- Average lending rate
Rate (%/year)
- Individuals
- Short-term
- Mid & Long-term
- Coporate Customers
- Short-term
- Mid & Long-term
- Average deposit and lending rate difference
(*) Data updated until 31st March 2024.