With Cash payment service, IVB deducts from client’s account opened at IVB in order to make cash payment at client’s offices, head quarter or other locations designated by client.

Targeted clients:

  • Clients wishing to receive cash in bulk at the office instead of receiving directly at bank.
  • Clients wishing to make payment at their partner’s offices.


  • Risk minimization of cash counting, transportation and storage.
  • Time and cost saving.
  • Quick, accurate and efficient cash payment.
  • Quick and efficient payables management


  • Currency: VND
  • Service types:
  • Cash payment at offices
  • Cash payment at other location designated by client
  • Frequency: weekly, monthly or when incurred
  • Fee tariff: regulated by IVB (announced in each period)


  • Documents of opening account at IVB (in case of new client)
  • Cash management service agreement


Customer center 1900 588 879 or nearest Branch/TO of IVB.

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