With Payroll - Commission Service, IVB will pay salary/commission to client’s staff/agents by debiting client’s account at IVB and pay cash to receiver or credit to receiver’s account.

Targeted clients:

Clients need to pay salary to their staffs or commission to their agents.


  • Saving of cash management cost, labor cost and working facilities expense.
  • Time saving of cash checking and counting, avoidance of cash transportation risk
  • Safe and confidential payroll records for payees
  • Accurate and prompt payment
  • Client’s staffs or agents are supported to open account at IVB and other services such as: SMS Banking, Internet Banking…


  • Currency: VND
  • Service types:
  • Payment via account/ by cash
  • Payment at counter/ online on Internet Banking
  • Frequency: weekly, monthly or when incurred
  • Fee tariff: regulated by IVB (announced in each period)



  • Documents of opening account at IVB (in case of new client)
  • Payroll service agreement


Customer center 1900 588 879 or nearest Branch/TO of IVB.

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