Service introduction

Should you need to transfer and receive money immediately from other bank’s account? Should you need to make transaction on days off, holidays that the beneficiary can get the money into their account right after? Fastfund Napas 247 service of IVB will help you to make it work easily and quickly.


• 24/7 transaction including days off and holidays

• Quick, safe and secure online transaction with simple manipulate

• Instant fund transferring and receiving by account and card number within 7-10 seconds

• Reasonable transfer fee

Service application

All Individuals and Corporate Customers

Condition of using service

Customers have current account at IVB, and register Internet Banking or Mobile Banking service.

Authentication method


Transaction limit ( From 01/07/2019 )



100 million VND/ day


Not applicable

Soft OTP


Under 500 million/ time
=< 10 billion/ day


Not applicable

Advanced Token key


Under 500 million/ time
=< 1.5 billion/ day


Under 500 million/ time
=< 10 billion/ day

Digital Signature


Under 500 million/ time and Daily transaction limit as customer’s registration

Fund receiving:

o The limit of fund receiving depends on the issuing bank's regulations.

Applied channels:

Internet Banking & Mobile Banking

Transfer fee:

  • From 1- 500,000 VND: Free of charge
  • From 500,001 to under 500,000,000 VND: 5,500 VND/ transaction (VAT included), applied for inside and outside province fund transfer


Please contact to the nearest IVB Branch or Hotline 1900 588 879 for asisstance

Service using guide:

Please refer here

Please refer list of Banks in Napas Union as follow:

List of Banks in Napas Union

List of Banks transferring funds via account number

List of Banks transferring funds via card number

Tool & Support

We are ready to help you.

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