Dear Valued Corporate customer,   

Indovina Bank (IVB) would like to thank you for your kind confidence and cooperation with us during  the past time.

Implementation of the Circular 32/2011/TT-BTC dated 14/03/2011 on prescribing Electronic invoice (E-invoice) for sale of goods and provision of service.

From 01/01/2020, IndovinaBank ., LTD., uses E-invoice instead of the previous VAT paper invoice in providing services on all units of IVB’s network.

When Customers make transactions and payments, your invoices are stored electronically and notification will be sent to your registered email at IVB.

  • E-invoice format is xml.
  • E-invoice are informed via channels: Website, Internet Banking and IVB’s email.
  • E-invoice are issued directly by IVB.

In case of new register or change of Email address receiving the notification of invoice issuance, please register with IVB latest on 25/12/2019.

Customers can feel secure about the legality of E- invoice because IVB’s invoice have electronic signatures that have been legally registered with the competent authorities, also notified of the issue with the tax authorities in accordance with the process required by Tax law.

The application of E – Invoice will bring to customers many benefits:

  • Safe – don’t worry about losing your bill during delivery.
  • Quick – save time.

We fully believe that this improvement will really bring the benefit for our customers. We are looking forward to your confidence and cooperation in the future. For more details, please contact the nearest IVB Branch/Transaction office or Call Center 1900 588 879 and our website.

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