Trade Financing & Bank guarantee



For Organization customers
  1 Import documentary collection
B001 1.1 Advising of documents arrival 5 USD/set of docs
B002 1.2 Acceptance 20 USD
B003 1.3 Payment 0.2 % * bill value (min: 10 USD) + 20 USD (cable charge)
B004 1.4 Payment refusal 10 USD + actual cost
B005 1.5 BL endorsement/ Issuing Goods Delivery Authorization 5 USD/time
B006 1.6 Forwarding documentary collection to other local banks 5 USD/time + postal charge + actual cost
  2 Export documentary collection
B007 2.1 Handling charges 5 USD + postal charge + actual cost
B008 2.2 Payment commission 0.15 % * bill value (min: USD 15; max: USD 300)
B09 2.3 Fee for re-purchasing before maturity of negotiated export docs Negotiable
B010 2.4 Amendment of collection instruction 5 USD/time + cable charge/ postal charge (if any)
B011 2.5 Investigation at drawer's request 5 USD/time + cable charge + other bank's charge (if any)
B012 2.6 Cancellation at drawer's request 10 USD + other arising charge (if any)
B013 2.7 Payment refusal As actual cost
  1 Import documentary credits (Import LC)
  1.1 Issuance (*) min: 30 USD + 30 USD (cable charge)
B014   a. Margin by amount in marginal account/ secured by amount in current account at IVB 0.075% * LC value (including tolerance) * number of days/30
(Number of days: from issuing date to expiry date, min 30 days)
B015   b. Secured by time deposits, valuable papers issued by IVB 0.09% * LC value (including tolerance) * number of days/30
(Number of days: from issuing date to expiry date, min 30 days)
B092   c. Non-secured/ Non-marginal/ Secured by other assets

0.12% * LC value (including tolerance) * number of days/30

(Number of days: from issuing date to expiry date, min 30 days)

  1.2 Amendment Min: 20 USD + 20 USD (cable charge)
B016   a. Increase amount + other amendment (if any, extension not included) (*) Same as LC issuance (calculated on increasing LC value, including tolerance)
(Number of days: from amendment date to expiry date, min 30 days)
B017   b. Extension + other amendment (if any, increasing amount not included) (*) 0.1% * number of extension days/30 * LC outstanding (including tolerance)
(Number of extending days: from the old expiry date to new expiry date, min 30 days)
B018   c. Amount increase + extension + other amendment (if any) (*) Applicable charge code B016+B017
B019   d. Other amendment (not include as above) 20 USD/time
B020 1.3 LC cancellation 30 USD + cable charge + oversea bank's charge (if any)
B021 1.4 Payment commission 0.2% * bill value; min: 25 USD + 20 USD (cable charge)
  1.5 BL endorsement/ Issuing Goods Delivery Authorization
B022   a. BL accompanied with shipping docs Free
B023   b. BL received from customer prior to the arrival of shipping docs 10 USD/time
B024 1.6 Issuing shipping guarantee 0.1% * guaranteed value; min: 50 USD; max: 200 USD
B025 1.7 Amendment of shipping guarantee 10 USD/time
B028 1.8 Late return of shipping guarantee (collected if after one month from the date IVB send the original BL to customer but customer has not returned the guarantee to IVB, fee is collected each month on the day ending one month of late return) 0.1% * guaranteed value; min: 50 USD; max: 200 USD
  1.9 Acceptance of usance bill B026 + B027, min 50 USD
B026   a. Acceptance of usance bill applied for marginal bill value (on marginal account)/ bill value secured by amount in current account at IVB 0.05% * marginal bill value (on marginal account)/ bill value secured by amount in current account at IVB * LC payment period/30 (min 30 days)
B027   b. Acceptance of usance bill applied for bill value secured by time deposits, valuable papers issued by IVB/ non-secured/ non-marginal/ secured by other assets 0.1% * bill value secured by time deposits, valuable papers issued by IVB/ non-secured/ non-marginal/ secured by other assets * LC payment period/30 (min 30 days)
B029 1.10 Discrepancy charge (**) 70 USD
B030 1.11 Handling charge (**) 0.03%* bill value; min: 30 USD, max: 300 USD
B031 1.12 Handling charge on re-presentation of docs (**) 25 USD
B032 1.13 Returning Shipping docs under LC 10 USD + postal charge + actual cost
B033 1.14 Consultancy fee for LC issuing/ LC draft issuing Negotiable
B093 1.15 Change margin method, change secured method (as method in section 1.1) (*) Additional fees due to change in margin method/ change in secured method, as LC issuance fee + collateral change fee (if any)
  2 Export documentary credits (Export LC)
  2.1 Documentary credits  
  2.1.1 Advising LC  
B034   a. Advising to IVB's customers 20 USD
B035   b. Forwarding to 2nd advising bank 30 USD + 30 USD (cable charge)/ postal charge (if any)
  2.1.2 Advising LC Amendment  
B036   a. Advising to IVB's customers 10 USD
B037   b. Forwarding to 2nd advising bank 20 USD + 20 USD (cable charge)/ postal charge (if any)
B038 2.1.3 Settlement of export bill under LC 0.15% * bill value (min: 20 USD; max: 500 USD) + postal charge
B039 2.1.4 LC cancellation at customer's request 15 USD + Oversea bank's charge (if any)
B040 2.1.5 Payment refusal from oversea bank As actual cost
  2.1.6 Handling charge Handling fee + postal charge
B041   a. Docs presented at IVB Free
B042   b. Docs presented at other bank after being checked by IVB Handling fee = 30 USD
B043   c. Documents consultancy at customer's request Negotiable
  2.2 Transferable LC  
B044 2.2.1 Transferring LC 0.1% * transferring value (including tolerance)
(min: 50 USD; max: 300 USD) + 30 USD (cable charge)/postal charge
  2.2.2 Amendment of transferable LC
B045   a. Increasing amount 0.1% * increasing amount (including tolerance)
(min: 30 USD) + 20 USD (cable charge)/postal charge
B046   b. Other amendments 20 USD/time + 20 USD (cable charge)/postal charge
B047 2.2.3 Discrepancy charge on transferred docs (**) 70 USD
B048 2.2.4 Transferable LC cancellation at customer's request 20 USD + cable charge (if any) + oversea bank's charge (if any)
  2.2.5 Settlement of export bill under transferable LC
B049   Payment commission under original LC
(for account of first beneficiary)
0.2% * claim amount of the first beneficiary (Min: 25 USD) + 20 USD (cable charge)
B050   Handling charge of transferred LC
(for account of second beneficiary)
0.03% * claim amount of the second beneficiary
Min: 30 USD; Max: 300 USD
  NO SERVICE FEE (VAT not included)
Margin by amount in marginal account/ secured by amount in current account at IVB (% p.a) Secured by time deposit, valuable papers issued by IVB (% p.a) Secured by other assets/ Non-secured/ Non-margin (% p.a)
  1 Issuing (*) (Fee as B052 or B053) + 30 USD (cable charge)
B052   a. In IVB's form


min 30 USD


min 30 USD


min 30 USD

B053   b. In other forms accepted by IVB Fee B052 + 10 USD
  2 Amendment (*)
B054   a. Increasing amount/ Extension

Same as issuing fee in item 1, Calculated on the increasing amount/ extension, Number of days: from the amendment date to expiry date (for increasing amount)/ from the next day of the old expiration date to the end of the new expiration date of this extension time (for extension)

Min: 15 USD

B055   b. Other amendment 20 USD
B056 3 Advising standby LC 30 USD + (30 USD of cable charge)/ postal charge (if any)
B057 4 Advising standby LC amendment 20 USD + (20 USD of cable charge)/ postal charge (if any)
B058 5 Standby LC claim service under overseas Standby LC

0.4% * claiming value + cable charge (if any)

Min 20 USD (not including cable charge)

B059 6 Issued international standby LC verification 10 USD + cable charge (if any)
B060 7 Cancellation 50 USD + cable charge + oversea bank's charge (if any)
  NO SERVICE FEE (VAT not included)
Margin/ secured by deposit at IVB(% p.a) Secured by time deposit, valuable papers issued by IVB (% p.a) Secured by other assets/ Non-secured/ Non-margin (% p.a)
  1 Domestic bank guarantee
  1.1 Issuing (*)
  1.1.1 In IVB's form - Min 550,000 VND or equivalent
B061   a. Bid guarantee 0.5 0.7 1.5
B062   b. Performance guarantee/ Warranty guarantee/ Advance payment guarantee 0.6 0.7 2.0
B063   c. Payment guarantee/ Other guarantee 0.7 0.8 2.5
B064 1.1.2 In other forms accepted by IVB Fee Item 1.1.1 + 100,000 VND or 10 USD/ guarantee commitment
  1.2 Amendment (*)
B065   a. Increasing amount/ Extension

Same as issuing fee in item 1.1, Calculated on the increasing amount/ extension, Number of days: from the amendment date to expiry date (for increasing amount)/ from the next day of the old expiration date to the end of the new expiration date of this extension time (for extension)

Min: 300,000 VND or equivalent

B066   b. Other amendment 400,000 VND or equivalent
B067 1.3 Issued domestic guarantee verification 200,000 VND or equivalent
B068 1.4 Cancellation 200,000 VND or equivalent
B094 1.5 Change of margin/ secured part Additional fees due to change in amount/ change in collateral, as LC issuance fee + collateral change fee (if any)
  2 International bank guarantee
  2.1 Issuing (*): (Fee as B069 or B070) + 30 USD (cable charge)
B069   a. In IVB's form


min 30 USD


min 30 USD


min 30 USD

B070   b. In other forms accepted by IVB Fee B069 + 10 USD/ guarantee commitment
  2.2 Amendment (*): Fee as B071 or B072 + 20 USD (cable charge)
B071   a. Increasing amount/ Extension

Same as item 2.1, Calculated on the increasing amount/ extension, Number of days: from the amendment date to expiry date (for increasing amount)/ from the next day of the old expiration date to the end of the new expiration date of this extension time (for extension)

Min 15 USD

B072   b. Other amendment 20 USD
B073 2.3 Advising bank guarantee 30 USD + (30 USD of cable charge)/ postal charge (if any)
B074 2.4 Advising bank guarantee amendment 20 USD + (20 USD of cable charge)/ postal charge (if any)
B075 2.5 Bank guarantee claim service under overseas bank guarantee

0.4% * claiming value + cable charge (if any)

Min 20 USD (not including cable charge)

B076 2.6 Issued international guarantee verification 10 USD + cable charge (if any)
B077 2.7 Cancellation 50 USD + cable charge + oversea bank's charge (if any)
  3 Special bank guarantee
  3.1 Issuing in IVB's form (*)
B078   a. Counter guarantee As Issuing fee at Item 1.1 and Item 2.1
B079   b. Bank guarantee based on counter guarantee of other credit institution

1.7 + 30 USD (cable charge) (if any)

min 30 USD (not including cable charge)

B080 3.2 Issuing in other forms accepted by IVB (*) Fee item 3.1 + 10 USD/ guarantee commitment
B081 3.3 Bank guarantee confirmation (*) 1.8 + 20 USD (cable charge) (if any)

min 30 USD (not including cable charge)

B082 3.4 Issued guarantee verification 10 USD + cable charge (if any)
  1 Cable charge
B083 1.1 Inside Viet Nam 10 USD/ message
B084 1.2 Outside Viet Nam 10 USD/ message
  2 Postal charge
B086 2.1 Inside Viet Nam At actual cost; min: 20,000 VND/time
  2.2 Outside Viet Nam
B087   a. Asian zone, Australia, New Zealand At actual cost; min: 40 USD/time
B088   b. European zone At actual cost; min: 40 USD/time
B089   c. North American zone At actual cost; min: 40 USD/time
B090   d. African zone At actual cost; min: 50 USD/time
B091   e. Other zones At actual cost; min: 60 USD/time