IVB Enhances Request to Disable Accessibility Rights When Using IVB Mobile Banking on Android Operating System

Recently, there have been various fraudulent activities spreading across the online device in Vietnam, targeting Android users with deceptive applications impersonating government agencies, tax authorities, and more. These fraudulent apps contain malicious code that targets nearly 195 different systems to gain control over the user’s device. The scam typically involves tricking users into granting Accessibility rights to the fake app, allowing the criminals to collect sensitive information, gain device control, and access banking apps to perform unauthorized transactions directly from the victim’s phone.

To ensure the safety of your information on your mobile device and proactively prevent potential fraud, we kindly request you to follow the steps below to DISABLE Accessibility rights for certain apps:

👉 Step 1: Access the Settings of your device.

👉 Step 2: Disable Accessibility rights for any app that currently has these permissions enabled. For detailed instructions on how to disable Accessibility rights, please refer to THIS LINK.

Starting from August 7th, 2023, Indovina Bank has implemented an additional layer of protection by requesting users to disable Accessibility rights. The system will display warnings and prompt customers to turn off Accessibility rights for apps that have been granted these permissions on their devices and are not on IVB’s list of approved applications for each specific period. Once Accessibility rights are disabled for the warned apps, customers can continue accessing and using the IVB Mobile Banking app as usual.

To safeguard your assets and ensure the security of your information, IVB advises the following:

️ Thoroughly check the information, access rights, and features of any app before downloading and installing it.

️ Only install apps from trusted sources such as the Play Store (for Android OS) and the App Store (for iOS); avoid installing apps from unknown origins.

️ Avoid enabling Accessibility rights on Android devices when unnecessary.

️ Never provide your IVB Mobile Banking app login credentials, OTP verification codes, or any personal information via phone, email, social media, or unfamiliar websites/links.

️ Strengthen security by using biometric methods (fingerprint, FaceID, etc.) for logging into banking and payment apps.

️ Avoid saving banking security information within software applications on your mobile device.

️ Register for balance change notifications: Customers are encouraged to subscribe to account balance change notifications to promptly detect and minimize risks associated with any suspicious transactions.

If you observe any signs of fraud, please immediately contact the nearest law enforcement agency or reach out to IVB’s hotline at 1900 5888 79 or visit the nearest IVB branch for assistance.

INDOVINA Bank sincerely appreciates your understanding in case of any inconvenience that may arise due to these precautionary measures!

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